FOOD FOR THOUGHT......or mindless drivel.....I don't care.
"It is my personal mission, to leave no-one...unprovoked."
"I don't shoot pretty faces for internet websites or magazines. My goal is to have my work hang in the bathroom of the Hells Angels clubhouse."
"I am constantly asking myself 'what is classic, what will transcend the test of time, what will still be interesting and thought provoking in 100 years?'. If I feel I've found the answer, that's what I shoot."
"There is too much 'manipulated beauty' in this world. I want to capture whats not often sought. Beauty that falls through the cracks of reality."
"To me, in photography, a pretty face is overrated...I always want more from it....or to punch it and give it some character."
"Digital photography has divided the barrier between shit photographers and talented photographers. Good photographers got better, and shitty ones got internet jobs."
"I don't like to shoot anything unless I know I will be the only person with that capture."
"Candid event/club photography is not art. Its a glorified hobby."
-Apollo Staar
April 5th, 2010