METROLINK DERAILMENT: Not Human Error after all...

On Friday September 12, 2008, a Metrolink commuter train with 222 people aboard crashed into a freight train in Chatsworth, CA after one engineer failed to yield at a red light. 25 people were repotedly killed and hundreds injured.
The Media has now reported that the train conductor was TEXT MESSAGING seconds before the head-on collision.
The purpose of the Media in this Nation is to keep the people at bay, satisfied, and 'informed'. It is not in the best interest of the Media to report ANYTHING that would possibly disrupt this veil of deception. The Government works in conjunction with the Media to keep the American People a group of un-challenging followers with elementary ideals that satisfy them. This is the reason that the Media pushes issues of surface importance such as 'Celebrity Interest' onto the public. It fails to push legitimate issues that directly affect the people, primarily because, we as a people, have NO SAY in politics or policies anymore. The fate of this Country is now determined by what is financially best for the top people, companies and institutions that run the Country, which now happens to be Large Corporations, the Media, the Government, and the wealthiest 5% in the US Nation as well as the top 5% in other wealthy Nations worldwide that the US does trade with.
There are simple reasons the Media is blaming the train operator for the collision. First off, it is easiest to pass the blame on 'Human Error' rather than to question the safety of the entire Metrolink System. Secondly, the operator is now deceased. Thus, there is no possible way of him/her contradicting and/or appealing this report. Thirdly, if the real reason of the collision was revealed, that being a horrendously faulty safety system in the entire Metrolink railway, the Nation would immediately be in a state of panic at the disclosure of the mediocre safety procedures and would be deathly afraid of stepping foot in any one of the trains. This would cause massive financial losses for State of California and may even cause the system to go into bankruptcy.
So, in an effort to keep everything in order, the Nation deems it much easier to blame this accident on human error and maybe have to pay out a few hundred thousand to the families of the deceased rather than jeopardize the entire loss of the Metrolink system.
This may seem far fetched to many who read this, but if you really think hard about what is fed to the people by the Media(the Nations obsession with celebrity culture, reality shows that promote idiotic behaviour and puff television that feeds on the fantasies of wealth by the middle and lower class), you will grasp the concept that we as a people have no power anymore. Yes, we may have independent leaders and thinkers(who the Media portrays as 'Radicals') who challenge Govermental policy, but the truth is that we are not in control at all. The Gov't doesn't mind these people as long as they don't change the mentality of too many people resulting in upheaval. The Gov't sees these people as 'petty' and laughs at knowing the only permanent change that these people will have is a place in our History Books.
The Government may grant the people a few liberties attempting to make them believe that they are doing what's best for the people, but the reality is that we are nothing more than simple pawns who while simply surviving are indirectly supporting and ultimately fattening the ones at the top who make the decisions. The Media is the Governments kitchen and the people of the Nation are the hungry mouths who just want to be satisfied. They'll take anything, including a having a weakness for .39 cent cheeseburgers from the largest food corporation in the WORLD.